Monday, December 16, 2019


When I first walked into this class, I was nervous I did not now anyone except for Denisse, I kind of knew some people like Karina, flor, and Lisbeth from previous classes. Before I got to class, I meet up with Denisse and she told me everything about your class and how she did in that class she wasn’t nervous but I was, since I didn’t really know anyone I sat in the corner and continued with my journal.
In this course I have learned so much. I learned or know what a blog is. I learned how to ask for help. You taught how to now your value, work at your time, making time for school, like not procrastinating. One of my favorite times with this class is when you tell stories about you. I have seen how I kind of stopped procrastinating because one because of your saying and influences and another is the blogs and journal kind of prepare me or test me.
During this course we have read variety of different things. The pedestrian was one of them that kind of inspired, how It tells how technology is going to effect or impact the world. I also like KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, and THE RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION. I like the poem of Richard cory because it says how Richard cory seemed fine but I reality he is a suicidal in the text says “went home and put a bullet through his head” I kind of surprised me that he killed himself.
I don’t really have a favorite blog because I procrastinated but in the next semester, I will have more blogs up. But if I had a blog to choose it would be the self-reliance, because I really like that topic about when people start to doubt themselves when they shouldn’t. I feel like I could do better in my blogs. I have so many blogs as drafts because it’s some stories I typed for my blog but its off class topic
I have had so many memories in this semester. One is writing on my journal. Another is reading the poems. Listening to great stories. Talking to some people. I hope to do more in the upcoming semester being more active and prepared.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019